Finding Inspiration
13 May 2024
I absolutely adore travelling. I love experiencing new cultures, the people, their food, their beliefs, their music, art, architecture and the way they live. People inspire me, so does music, colour, old buildings and art. I definitely do not spend enough time on being inspired. When I do take the time, my mind and my heart feels like it can explode from all the new experiences and possiblities I’ve discovered and a deep sense of contentment takes over me.
Finding inspiration or being inspired may seem like it’s an activity destined for the few amongst us, or only creatives and the like can tap into that. However I disagree. Never has there been a time to be inspired more than now. Inspiration is but a touch of a button or a flick of the finger away. To be inspired doesn’t mean you need to go out into nature or visit art galleries or museums, as lovely and inspiring as these activies are, but it can be something as simple as finding someone making hats on Instagram and being mesmerised by their craftsmanship. Being inspired to me means walking in someone else’s shoes for a while, or connecting with a specific piece, activity or place in a way that makes you want to be better and accomplish more.
Inspiration is a sense of wonder and admiration for something that moves you on a deeper level, spiritually. It makes you say, if this can be done, why can’t I? It shows a different way of being and even helps with changing your perspective on life.
This is why so many designers talk about inspiration in their work. If we where not inspired by something new or old, (for that matter), then we will never grow and develop in becoming better at what we do. This is also the reason why any good interior designer will ask you to share some inspirational photo’s or pieces with them, so we can see what you see as beautiful and uplifting. It is what you surround yourself with that makes all the difference in keeping you inspired and making our job so much easier!
What Inspires You Is Personal
The Alamo Cenotaph, San Antonio
What inspires you is personal. What I mean by that is, what inspires me may not be the thing that inspires you. However the beauty of being inspired by something meaningful to you is infectious. It will make those around you get to know you without having to ask and without you having to say a word. It is a language all of it’s own and connects us, especially if what inspires you resonates with us too.
Living with things that inspire you or resonates with you, is like living a life of deep gratitude. What better way to be grateful than to share it with others that will appreciate it.
These photo’s where taken on a recent trip to the USA. Hopefully at a glance you can see what inspires me, and how beautiful life is because of the people that make it so.
NYC Pavement Graffiti Art
Whether you get inspired being outdoors, in a museum or even your Granny's living room; what inspires you makes you you. So if next time you decide to renovate, or update your bedroom, start with what inspires you. Once you have accumulated a list of things or just one piece, you can be certain that the end result will be what you intended it to be.
If you do struggle to come up with a concept of what to do with these inspirational pieces, then do get in touch. This is what we do here at EA Design. We bring what inspires you to life.